
Ayo, new update day! After this, we're thinking of revamping some items, though we might visit flying mobs sometime after. :)



- Added bipedal mobs!

- Added new attacks!

- Added door and chest sound effects!

-Punching (does a 1-2 attack!)

-Clawing (does a much larger but slower attack than punching, which also hits once)

-Jumping (the mob leaps into the air, damaging you along the way)

- Added finished functionality to loading bar!

- Added keybinds and settings that save when you close the game!

- Huge optimizations to planet generation and loading!

- We believe we also reduced a good amount of lag!

Fixes and Changes:

- Fixed crashes from inputting certain keys depending on your keyboard

- New logo and title screen sprites!

- Auto-removes invalid items that appear in case someone messes with item/block files

- Fixed some more rope logic

- Fixed several crashes originating from the new entity system (stuff like occasional crashes when dying, shooting projectiles, etc.)

- Added side-bounce to slime blocks!

- Fixed issue with mobs being found on the wrong planets

- Added some velocity to throwing items

- Fixed some logic issues with item slots

- Now removes corrupted blocks on-load in the event that a planet file corrupts for whatever reason

- Most likely fixed more things since the list is long, and we probably missed stuff 

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